Mental health in the workplace

Mental health in the workplace is no longer something we can ignore, with over 20,000 people a week going off sick because of it. Even those who class themselves as physically and mentally healthy are falling foul of its indiscriminate effect.

According to the leading mental health charity Mind UK, approximately 1 in 4 people in the UK will experience a mental health problem, such as anxiety or depression, each year. The concern is that the NHS have said that they do not have the funds or resources to deal with the continued increase in cases.

The cold truth

  • In the UK employees take, on average, 18 days off a year to deal with mental health issues, which is costing UK businesses £56 billion annually, a 25% increase since 2019 (Deloitte 2022).

  • Staff turnover due to poor mental health has increased by 150% in the last 3 years (Deloitte 2022).

  • 47% of employees display presenteeism (showing up for work without being productive due to poor mental health).

It’s an alarming read but unfortunately it’s going to get worse before it gets better.

So, what can you do as responsible employer to help mitigate these issues and to ensure that your workforce is both well and productive?

Be proactive not reactive

Speak to a workplace wellbeing consultancy like Coast, we will work with you to identify those in need and:

  • Help bring back into the workplace those employees who are absent due to mental health issues, rather than referring them to occupational health professionals or obtaining a doctor’s report which all take time and do not guarantee their return and, in some cases, extend their sickness period further.

  • Provide presentations to employees to help them understand why they are feeling as they do and how we can help.

  • Deliver in-house lunchtime wellness sessions weekly/monthly.

  • Arrange one-to-one treatment sessions either via Zoom (office or home) or in a local practice for those with concerns over stress, anxiety and depression.

The advantages

  • Employees are happier and feel valued.

  • They are more efficient and have less down time.

  • Increased quality of work.

  • Happier clients – who may recommend you to others.

  • Potential increase in sales.

  • Increased profitability.

  • Increased commitment and loyalty to the company.

Interested in finding out more?

Contact Simon on 07833 431113 or by email at for a confidential no-obligation chat.


An effective alternative to anti-anxiety medication